Laura Mayne


The Holidays Are Over... Laura's back on the road!

After a long summer break, Laura Mayne is back on stage alongside ELLIOTT MURPHY and DUPLEX for the closing evening of the FESTIVAL DES GRANGES in BAR-LE-DUC (France) on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st.

Also, find out what Laura Mayne has been up to during the summer...


After a long summer break, Laura Mayne is back on stage alongside ELLIOTT MURPHY and DUPLEX for the closing evening of the FESTIVAL DES GRANGES in BAR-LE-DUC (France) on SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st.

Après la trève estivale, Laura Mayne fera sa rentrée à BAR-LE-DUC (55) où elle rejoindra ELLIOTT MURPHY et DUPLEX lors de la soirée de clotûre du FESTIVAL DES GRANGES le SAMEDI 30 AOUT 2013.
Laura Mayne's next concert will be on the SUNDAY 15th of SEPTEMBER. She'll be joining the wonderful afro/samba/pop Brezilian artist RODRIGO DE OLIVEIRA for a duet on an Ana Carolina's song. Make sure to not miss it !
Last July, during Roda Do Cavaco concert, Laura and Rodrigo had the chance to meet for the first time and perform "Si La Vie Demande Ça" of Native, a song composed by Laura in 1993. A surprising and energetic Brazilian version to urgently discover if you need to recharge your batteries. You can watch it here on Youtube.
Find out more about the next shows and events here.